Junie loved unwraping.
Aunt Karoline got Mac this cute Santa suit.
The we loaded up the car and headed to Nanny and Papa's house in Iowa. 3 & 1/2 hours felt like forever with a missing window. Did mention that our car (actually, my dad's van that we were borrowing) got broken into the day before Christmas at the mall here in Chicago. They stole my phone and my GPS. So sad. Glass everywhere. Anyway... click here and here...
Uncle Lee with Mr. and Mrs. Claus.
Aunt Kers looked so cute that I had to blog this one.
Aunt Karoline helping with Amelia's new computer.
Junie's new guitar.
Sissy's new hat.
Sissy and Cousin Haddie. Nanny and Mac.
Cousin Lulu standing like a big girl.
A big group shot.
Cousin Lulu standing like a big girl.
A big group shot.
We ended night with a birthday cake for Jesus! It was a great night.