Our dear friends, The Mowen's passed court today in Ethiopia. They are legally a family of 5. Remember, they adopted Jacob when we adopted Sam last spring. Now they have two more wonderful boys in their family. Kaleb is 2.5 and Isaiah is 10. Aren't they beautiful? I think little Kaleb looks like our Sammy. I can't wait for them to get back to IL so we can hug them! Please pray for the next steps as they need to pass Embassy.
I cried watching the entire video!! At 2:02 they meet each other!
Sammer has not been feeling well and the rest of the gang have been coughing like crazy. Have I mentioned that we had Whooping Cough at our house. Neat.
Scott went to church while we stayed home and waited for him.
Pretty sure this is the last year that Junie is not going to mind wearing toosmallgirlChristmasjammers.
This one looks like Sam's smiling, but it's a cry.
Scott brought home candles and we had our own special little service.
The 3 biggies slept right in front of the fireplace all night.
We had the most special day with my grandpa and grandma. My 92 year old grandma made us the nicest (fanciest) lunch, Christmas dishes and homemade bread and all.
My quirky Macker couldn't get enough of Grandpa.
I'm not kidding....
We spent the day talking, laughing and playing GoFish.
I'm so thankful for the time we get to spend with them.
Last Thursday night Scott asked me to go on a date. We had a Groupon that was burning a hole in his pocket. Our babysitter came and we took off. On the way, Scott asked me to run into Caribou Coffee to grab a mug and gift card for a person he works with. I said sure, and didn't think a thing of it. UNTIL......
Our wonderful friends were on their way to NYC for a Christmas party and they made the plan with Scott to surprise me. IT. WAS. AMAZING. I sincerely had NO IDEA. They took Scoot and I to a wonderful, fancy dinner where we talked and laughed our heads off. We also stayed up till 2 in the morning. (I'm getting too old for that!)
Scoot was so happy to be with his buddy.
When we got home the kids went crazy!!!! They love our friends too!
They literally smushed Heather.
Adam even tucked Junie into bed. (top bunk)
Seriously, 12 hours went by way too fast. I'm just so thankful for our time together!! Thank you for coming to surprise me!!! Love you!