Junie had a great time with Amelia's ink pen. This is what happens when Scott's not here... sad. June had another 2 shots of Rocefin and new drops for his ear this morning. The doctor today seems to think the tube is gone. We'll know more at the follow on Wednesday. Poor guy. How could we discipline him? He's been thought a lot...
He looks So HAPPY!!! How could we ever make him sad by scolding him, right? All he will ever have to do in life is smile............
He looks So HAPPY!!! How could we ever make him sad by scolding him, right? All he will ever have to do in life is smile............
Iowa Nanny agrees....
Well, I say pinch his bottom real hard. Then I'll totally continue to be his favorite at swim lessons...
If it makes you feel any better, Madison STILL sometimes draws all over herself when left alone with markers...
Kate would have drawn on him.
Not Hank - he'd never do anything so naughty :)
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