Little Scott is home now and sleeping in his own bed after a bath to kill all those hospital germs. I'm so thankful to be home and he's doing a lot better. He had 3 negative C diff. tests and 2 negative roto virus and a bunch of other tests like E. Coli and still more that I am not familiar with. All negative. Because of his history of reoccurring C diff and because of his "unique" gut he is going to be on Flagyl for 10 days. He is well hydrated and he's eating better. (1/2 strength Elecare) They said they will probably never know exactly what this was. The GI doc reminded me that this could have been just a normal stomach bug that little June's body just couldn't handle like other kids. Whatever it was, it's on it's way OUT! I'm so thankful for the great doctors and nurses and the special care he was given. I'm thankful to God for ultimately healing him. Here's Sissy and June having a little picnic. Amelia led him around by his IV like a leash! (ouch!!)
Praise the Lord! Good to see you on the outside of those bars Scotty! Honestly though, was it the Elmo doll that started the healing process? It was, right? was, wasn't it?
Yeah God! So thankful Junie is napping in his own bed (and you and Mini too).
I'm so glad you're home!!!!
I'm glad that little dude is doing better! john
glad to see my family under one roof! Love you guys...Junie...keep your food in man! Love you Mia...and MISS YOU Honey! Thanks Gary again!
Hooray!!!!!!Appreciate everyone who has touched June's life - he's the youngest rock star ever! We loved "HI DAD" (20 million times).
Praise the Lord! Good to see you on the outside of those bars Scotty! Honestly though, was it the Elmo doll that started the healing process? It was, right? was, wasn't it?
We are so glad you're home and on the mend. We were praying for all of you through this. Know it was especially hard with Big Scott gone. Love ya!
How scary. I thought I had your blog in bloglines so I could keep up but I guess not! I am SO glad he is doing great now!
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