Looks like Amelia has a new job!!!
Is that how we're supposed to be holding Mac? Stupid me, cradling him in my arms.
Can Amelia come take care of me?!
Mac definitely looks like a Murray! I think Amelia is going to love being a Mommy someday!
I love the way those crazies move it, move it...
You seriously make identical children. Almost like clones only way better. Love those faces. And those dancing feet on Mac.
Ahhh ... way to go Amelia! You think I'm kidding. I'm coming to get training from you. How do you get Scotty to open his mouth that wide? No wonder J How has yet to hit the 30 pound mark. WHAT IS YOUR SECRET???
What a wonderful Mommy little Miss Amelia is!! How sweetHOLY MINI ME...I can't get over Scott, Junie & Mac....they look so much alike!! WOW!!
Yay for big sisters!! And I'm thinking...triplets.
She is such a little mom!
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Looks like Amelia has a new job!!!
Is that how we're supposed to be holding Mac? Stupid me, cradling him in my arms.
Can Amelia come take care of me?!
Mac definitely looks like a Murray! I think Amelia is going to love being a Mommy someday!
I love the way those crazies move it, move it...
You seriously make identical children. Almost like clones only way better. Love those faces. And those dancing feet on Mac.
Ahhh ... way to go Amelia! You think I'm kidding. I'm coming to get training from you. How do you get Scotty to open his mouth that wide? No wonder J How has yet to hit the 30 pound mark. WHAT IS YOUR SECRET???
What a wonderful Mommy little Miss Amelia is!! How sweet
HOLY MINI ME...I can't get over Scott, Junie & Mac....they look so much alike!! WOW!!
Yay for big sisters!!
And I'm thinking...triplets.
She is such a little mom!
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