Hey Mrs. Spice, notice Sissy's outfit? It's her favorite. Thanks a million and thanks Asha.
I think he wanted to go higher like the other 2.
Why were we the ONLY people at the park? How am I suppose to make friends?>!I think he wanted to go higher like the other 2.
Mac got really tired after all the fun.
#2 When Scott got home he took the kids on a rain walk.
They come home wet and muddy.
I love a good rain walk!
I can't believe there was nobody at the park! These IL people don't know what they're missing!!
Ah, a rainy day in Chicago. Suddenly I want to go sit in my living room. ;) Love the basement bike riding.
I LOVE that picture of Mac on the couch.
We used to ride our bikes in the basement in Wisconsin! (me and my brother) - seeing those pics and video brought back some memories, LOL.
And Mac...gotta love him.
Mac's too little to swing!
Oh, wait.
We are so happy you love your outfit Amelia!
What a fun rainy day! You guys are so fancy with your basement!
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