Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Fun Monday!

Monday was the first day of Amelia's summer break. I told her it was her special day and she could choose what we do. She wanted the Children's Museum. We loaded up and headed 25 minutes to Naperville. We got there and started doing an art project when all of the sudden all the electricity in the place went out. Totally dark. Soon the firetrucks came and they evacuated the entire museum.
I asked Amelia what her second choice would be and she said swimming at a REAL pool. The sun started to shine so I said yes. It was only about 75 degrees but what the heck. We drove alllll the way back home and got all our swimming stuff loaded up and drove to the community pool that we just joined for the summer. We had to get our pictures taken for our membership cards and I mentioned to the lady how excited we were to go swimming. "You do know it opens at 4:00 today?" Amelia and Scotty both cried a little as I put them back in the car. Sorry dudes.
Amelia announced that nothing was going our way today. "Hey kids, did you forget that we have that awesome blue pool in our backyard?!" We got home filled it up and they played for about 20 minutes till the wind started really blowing and it began to rain. Neat day.

Have you ever seen such albino children?! AZ here we come!!


Kers said...

Albino children but it a super gorgeous lush green yard :)

Carrie said...

I'm so glad you're coming ... Junie can go down our cool slide :) And work on his tan!

Mikele said...

Mac's hair is cracking me up.

Robyn said...

I started to shiver a little watching those sweet boys playing "in" the ice cube water. I'd be over with Sissy trying to warm up on the bench. So glad you get to go warm up in AZ!!!

Dana said...

"You do know when the pool opens, right??!!" Love friendly folks. Love it more that you all make everything fun!!