Friday, November 06, 2009

Nanny and Papa Save the Day

Nanny and Papa arrived before 9:00am after a 3.5 hour drive.
There was go fish playing, scone eating, book reading, dolly playing, oil changing, Costco running, TJMaXX trip, Trader Joe's shopping, park playing, tennis hitting, ball catching, hair braiding, soup eating, bike riding, hugs, kisses and tears to say goodbye.

Macker was quite a helper.

Waving goodbye.
The kids were all 3 sleeping by 6:30pm. Thanks Mom and Dad.


Mikele said...

Did you mom leave her cell phone at home again or did she remember to bring it with her?

I got tired just reading about your day.

Carrie said...

Can they come visit me too ... sounds like FUN!!!

Kers said...

That bike riding trail looks beautiful. Is it right by your house?

Robyn said...

Yay for Nanny and Papa! They are some seriously wonderful grandparents :)