Monday, February 15, 2010

Poor Mr.Crazyface

Scotty has been an absolute crazy boy lately. I mean way more crazy than usual... this was to only way to get his attention. Don't feel sorry for him and don't call CPS, please.


Robyn said...

Remind me not to lick anyone when I'm at your house. Was he a new boy today?!? ;)

Mikele said...

He's been through a lot. Now he can add that his parents stuck him outside naked in the snow.

Melanie Cain said...

Enjoyed the child abuse

Rachel said...

Sometimes we have to do unusual things to get a point across. I wasn't sure if he said 'licking' or 'kicking' but licking is really icky.

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

That was freaking hilarious. I can't wait to read the tell-all book he writes about you one day.

Carrie said...

He'll probably need therapy ... but so will most of our kids. I already started a fund for mine. Want me to add in a few $$ for your Scotty?