Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Easter Weekend

We had the nicest weekend in Iowa. Saturday morning we all gathered at Nanny and Papa's house for a yummy Easter brunch followed by games and an egg hunt.
"Bunny Hop" races.
Go Junie!!So fast.
Macker really wanted to play so Nanny gave him a turn.
Hello... Macker's new smile. Hoping this phase doesn't last long. Every time he sees a camera he just does that smile and says CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE.
Wonderful Sissy.
More eggs and that cute camera guy.
Macker loved the hunt.
My 3 sweethearts on the way to Good Friday service at my parents church.
Aunt Karoline's neck/arm was driving her nuts... she had surgery last Saturday and is feeling much better. (if you ask me... I think she was just faking for attention)
My kids all 3 love dogs now thanks to the Aunt Karoline and Uncle Lee's dog Tunie. (SICK)
We drove back to Chicago Saturday afternoon. Sunday morning Scott left early for church and the kids and I had time for a couple pictures. Oh, Macker!
Inside too.
Scott was a greeter so we got to see him right at the door. (my camera is broken...)
After church we had this great idea about walking to a restaurant in our area for lunch. I called to make sure they would be open and they said as long as we were there before 2:00 they would serve us. I was thinking it was like a 1/2 mile from our house so I thought 1/2 hour was plenty of time... I was wrong! It was 1.8 miles from our house. Junie and I ran almost the entire way and Scott, Sissy and that heavy Macker joined us about 15 minutes later. We made it with about 2 minutes to spare. We had a great lunch and then it was time to hike back home.

On our way home the sky turned dark and it started to rain and the wind was crazy. (later we heard on the news there were tornado warnings not too far from us)
Along the way Scotty had to go... you know what. (he's been through a lot)
Over all it was a great day.
When we got home my sweet Macker wanted to check out my 'too-upps'.


Mikele said...

Macker's new smile is the BEST! Nanny is so nice to do the sack race... I'm not sure Jan would try that.

You are the boss of you. :)

Kers said...

Love the too-ups pick and one question - what about Boo? Is he chopped liver :) ?

Rachel said...

Love the cheese smile! Also, will you be next to get a dog? I suggest the name "Gilbert."

mini and brother said...

Kers, your son calls your dog Boober;)I'm scared to death of him.

Kim F said...

i bet Tunie will steal your heart too...well - maybe not. =)

Robyn said...

First pic has brilliant color! Did Scott take it with his fancy cam?Broke my hand in a sack race once so I had to look away. Glad you didn't get swept up by a tornado. We'd miss you.

Melanie Cain said...

Macker's smile it priceless! Scotty will thank you for that potty break picture when he is older.

Jasmyn said...

Kaden had that same "smile" at that age...gotta love it:)

Love macker's chunky legs on Big Scott's back.

Love that Scotty squatted right on the street...going in the bushes is overrated, plus those trees looked pretty poky!

Carrie said...

I am DIGGING the new smile ... maybe not in his senior prom pics but for now, it works :) And you're all wearing SHORTS! What?????

Annabelle said...

I miss Linden Drive. That looks like the best Easter hunt & bunny hop race ever.

Dana said...

I think Mackers new smile looks like Chandler's from Friends. Love his little soccer shoes!