Monday, September 20, 2010


Sissy had her two sweet friends spend the night. So fun!

Lindsay and Amelia showing off their beautiful faces.

Scotty looked beautiful along with the girls.

Isabelle took good care of Scotty.

Lindsay even gave him a foot massage.

Beautiful eyes!

Little twins!!
Time for Mary Poppins!
Up early for soccer!
Home to clean the siding... wonder if we look a little grubby to the neighbors.

It was only in the 60's. BBrrrrr!
Scotty in his underpants.
Thankful for our great life.


Carrie said...

That sleepover looks fantastic. So do Scotty's eyes.

Love your front yard. Love that's it's in the 60s ... and I'm totally getting on an airplane to come visit.

Mikele said...

The girls look positively ecstatic. Good job.

Jasmyn said...

If I were your neighbor I would be sending my kids over in their underwear to run around with Scotty! Love it!