Thursday, October 07, 2010


As I got out of my car after picking Junie up from Pre-K I noticed something near our lawn mower. (please excuse the garage, we're been doing yardwork) Do you see anything strange?
I asked Scotty to come and have a look and when he saw it he literally started crying and ran away... It was THIS!!! Seriously, the HUGEST web I've ever seen with THIS in the middle.What is it?!
I took off both my flip flops and used them like cymbals to smash it. SICK!!


Mikele said...

What kind was it? It had to have been huge. I hope no one actually said the word, "spider."

Carrie said...

There are a few spiders in our window wells. Care to fly out and be a spider killer? We'll pay top dollar. I will even provide the flip-flops!

feather said...

Good job, I would've waited for Adam to come home! Thank you for the spider guts shot!

Robyn said...

SICK!!! It looks like it's body was full of babies that it was going to raise in your garage. Good job, Killer.