On Friday my mom and 6 of her friends came to visit . Amelia and I had the best day shopping with them.
So did Scotty.
Scones and coffee.
The best surprise came in the mail from a wonderful friend! Could the pillow look any better? Thank you, Mrs. Thoughtful!
The kids were trapped inside.
Almost done.
BEST NEWS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our little miracle boy pooped on the potty. THANK GOD!!
After that he needed a rest in the sun.
These crazies came for a visit.
Juniedog loves Uncle Lee.
The babies. Lulu shared her snacks.
Our family.
Some nice neighbors/friends from church gave us this climbing gym.
Mr. Hunk.
I think it's time for them to have another one. (hint, hint) Thanks for all the fun guys! You're welcome anytime!
Sunday after church seemed like a good time to completely gut the front yard.
This is a before picture. I know the trees look pretty but they were sooooo messy and you could hardly see the house. The area under them was full of weeds and junk.
The cheering section was awesome.
We rented a chainsaw from HD and Scott took care of the messy, overgrown trees. What a stud.
Macker likes Raspberries.
Hello house!! We decided to leave one of the trees. A nice neighbor came over and told us how to cut the tree so that it will grow back in a better shape. She even brought her clippers and helped! The nicest part is that she works in the office at the elementary school Amelia will be going to next year.

We ran into the Hogan family (worship pastor at church) and spent the parade together.
The babies.
Beautiful flags.
Mac loves suckers.
Sissy and Junie.
Back to work!
Scott worked like crazy all weekend! Here he is mowing.
After 6 garbage bags of yard waste we cleared the area and filled it with new top soil.
Finally... new sod.
Almost done!
Scott was a little dirty.
The finished product.
A different angle.
What the heck are we going to do with that tree in the driveway?!
New plants and mulch.
I think we're just about done with projects!!!
How in the world do you have the patience to post that much stuff. After about five pics I ususally get too frusterated and stop.
Love all the pics of the kiddos, especially of scott with the scribbles:)
House looks great, you have done such a great job with everything!
I love the look Lulu was giving Mac at the table. Cuteness!
Love the new curb appeal, especially when the tree grows back. Now hurry up with the red door (you know, because you have nothing else to do ;))!!
I'm glad Lulu shared, sounds like she really likes her snacks. ; )
Looks like a very productive weekend...amazing.
I'll be visiting soon...
Somebody give Scott a massage for Father's Day! He works so darn hard but it looks awesome. Now what about the back and side yards? Love the M pillow and Amelia's Aunt and nude-y, baby chub is the best :) Just let me know when and Tara & I and 4 children will be on our way for and adventure.
1. Weird picture of Mac and the rasberries in the middle of yard pictures.
2. I can't believe i missed Lulu by a week. Did Karoline like your basement?
3. The front yard looks awesome. Nice work, Dirty McChainsaw
4. The deck is great.
5. You busted out the special plates for Betty's friends. Did they like Oprah? I'm glad to see you moved up from cocktail napkins.
6. The pillow is soooo sweet. Fun Kristi? So sweet, I said.
Dang. Miss you.
Since Mikele is my newest twin :) I'll copy her ...
1. Longest post ever.
2. Dig the white-ing out of Junie's parts and poop
3. Nice staining, Scott!
4. Love the neighbor who brought her own clippers.
5. The plants are GORGEOUS!
6. I love Betty and her friends!
7. My children don't know how to share snacks. Maybe they can meet Lulu and she could help them?
8. Love the M pillow! Nice work, fun Kristi!
9. LOVE THE SHIRTS for my kids! THANKS!!!
Thanks for scribbling out the parts and poop. You rock!
OH my gosh. your husband sure does work hard! I'm glad you're almost done, reading this is getting exhausting. (just kidding!) Love the pic of Mack posing and go Junie for pooping on the potty!! That deserves a dance party.
You are amazing. How do you find time to post with all these house projects, let alone the longest post ever??!! You're my inspiration. I love your Mom's friends! They are too cute.
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