Friday, May 01, 2009

Day 9

We went to Ikea today after a morning of painting... what's new.
Junie was a freakface. Leaping, jumping, tripping and dancing. When we were in line to check out June did a crazy jumping move and knocked into a lady near us. In a very serious voice, with a very serious face I told him to shape up and stand quietly by my side.
He put on a sweet face and in a LOUD voice said, "I love you, Miss Hannigan."
People all around were laughing.
Back at the house I saw tulips in the middle of all the over grown mess!
Floors are all in and being sanded.
I went with the darkest color stain. That's what Scott and I like. I'm really excited.
Wow, that's dark.
From this...
To this. Amelia and I found these nobs at Anthropologie on the clearance table.
Scott comes home late tonight and I can hardly wait. I have a long list for him;-)


Mikele said...

It's a hard knock life, June.

I like the dark too. :)

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

Dang it...I would have peed my pants laughing if I was there with you at IKEA.

Your floors are going to be that stain!

Stephanie said...


Kers said...

LOVE HIM!!!!! I'm laughing out loud all alone and can't wait to tell Thad. What a spice cake!!

Kers said...

Oops about the floors. You know I'm not daring and I would have picked the middle one but I love your style and trust your sense so I can't wait to see them all done. I think the contrast with the CBB will be cool :)

Kristi said...

Kel stole my comment. I am so totally jealous of the floors!!!

mini and brother said...

yeah, yeah
That wife of mine is pretty great!
Big Scott

Carrie said...

Really, Mrs. Hannigan. He's been through A LOT! What curtains did you get? Love the knobs! What are those on? LOVE the dark floors!! Good luck with that list, Scott!

Carrie said...

And can I just say that I love that your sister is referring to your paint color by it's "proper" name! I'll probably achieve nothing more in this life but to know that a paint color has been named after me ... that's all I need :)