I stopped at a garage sale on my way to the new house and found some good deals. $5.00 lamps.
I needed some black lamps .Perfect!
Ghetto Baby and the mantle. First I caulked it.
Scooter and the new outdoor lights.
Then I primed it.
Scott and Brett finishing up the faucets.
Scooter did this one all by himself!! I'm so proud of him. Today is his birthday, by the way! Love him!
FINISHED!! I used spray paint.
First lawn mowing.
Ghetto Family on the front steps eating pizza.
New lights. We tried to get those numbers down but they were hammered in and the nails were rusty. I know they look grubby.
My sweet Macker at 9:30 at night. Poor thing.
New shelf for Sissy.
I got 2 of these drawers at the same garage sale for $10.00 each. I love them for inside the closet.
This desk is just what I wanted for Amelia's room and it was only $15.00. CB- I know you're thinking paint it but I asked and Scott said no for now. We'll see:)
Hooks per CB suggestion. I know they should be black but they didn't have any at Home Depot and we only had a short time with the borrowed drill.
Ghetto Baby past 10:00pm.
Scott put on a new toilet seat and Amelia was the first to use it.
Your EVERYTHING must be so. sore.
Ah we miss all of you guys!!! Happy Birthday Scott! House looks great. Its nice to see it w/out snow! :)
I like the silver hooks! Nice choice! Scott ... we'll chat later about the desk. Unless of course you're going to try to convince me that it "blends" with the pink and brown theme :) Mac .. you're the cutest ghetto baby I've ever seen! ... And Happy late birthday Scott!
Happy Birthday Scott!!!
Love you guys and proud of all the hard work you are putting into making your house how you want it.
See you in 3 weeks, I hope!
Happy birthday Scott. Katie, everything looks GREAT, how have you not hit the wall yet. Please, tell me your secret. Macker your the cutest ghetto baby I have ever seen. And man are you good about keeping these updates up!
Love - the mantle, the new lamps, the new lights, your first family pic on your new front steps, ghetto baby, so I guess that's everything. Except - I know there has to be a way to get those numbers off and if anyone can you can so I expect some snazzy new ones before Thursday :)
Tomorrow we are going to re-roof the whole house, and while we are at it, we are going to put in a new chimney. (at least that is all that is left to do :)
Happy Belated Birthday Scott! I love the new lamps, outside lights, faucets, and most of all the ghetto baby! I can't wait to see the new pool you are building ;) Love you guys!
My gosh, you guys are amazing!!! Just amazing. Love the way everything is coming together. Can I send you a drill for a housewarming present??
Happy Birthday, Scott! Is Heather checking blogs from the Bahamas?
Love it all. Great job, Macker!!!! The kids and I just watched it and were so excited to see him.
Miss you. When will your title ever not be numbered?
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