Tuesday, November 01, 2011


                                                      Front row seats at the parade!

The kids school had a fun parade where all the kids showed off their cute outfits.
Sis was the only ref I saw.
I was scheduled to be the official photographer for Scotty's class party...
But I snuck over to see Sissy too.

It was special to see them in their classrooms.

Juner and his 2 buddies.
This is more like it.
Trick-or-Treating literally starts when kids get home from school.

Lucky me! Look at my cute Scooter.

He's such a good sport. I think he'd do anything to make the kids laugh. They wanted him to wear the Batman so.... he did.

Our nice next door neighbors took our picture, too bad about Macker.
They literally didn't stop all night!
With our sweet neighbor Audrey.

The 'hood started hoppin'! It was so fun for the kids to run round with so many friends.
This is Scoot with Amelia's teacher/our neighbor. She was a Purple People Eater, FYI.

I guess I didn't take many pictures the rest of the night. Trust me, it was a really special night. We all ended up at a different neighbor's house for a fun party. Thankful!

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Robyn said...

Such a fun neighborhood!
Scott's body in the Batman suit...oh my word. And way to be a hot blonde ship captain. I commend your participation.
P.S. Tell all those precious kiddos I'm on my way to squeeze the stuffing out of them this weekend!

Mikele said...

What weekend? Dang it!
1. I was more into macker's body in that buzz costume stuffed in the stroller!
2. Scott's teacher's costume was mine in 5th grade where I got made fun of - even though I was really was Elvira but couldn't wear it to Christian school.

Carrie said...

LOVE the one eyed, one horned flying purple eater costume! Sweet pumpkins!!!!!!