Thursday, September 13, 2007

ByeBye Cuck-Cuck!

So, Monday the feeding therapist said the Junie needed to be DONE with his pacifier. (He calls it a CuckCuck.)
Scott and I both got a little teary thinking about Junie without his Cuck. He and I decided that around his 2nd birthday we would talk about getting rid of it. This picture is of his nap on Tuesday. For some reason I just wanted a picture. Anyway that night as I was putting him to bed I realized that all the pacifiers were downstairs. After reading books, singing songs and saying a prayer I laid him down in bed. He looked at me and said, "Cuck, Cuck?" Don't ask me why but for some reason I just said, "Sorry, Cuck Cuck is already sleeping." I thought he would cry or something... instead he just said, "Okay, ni night."
That's it. That's the whole story and we are now done.
What should I do with all these?
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Kers said...

Don't worry June - Hank will send you one of his if you're in need :)

Anonymous said...

Way to go June! He's such a big boy. You have a hoarding issue, my friend,(think stacks and stacks of baby food jars)and it is rather endearing to me. Middle child syndrome???

Anonymous said...

Whatever you do, don't send them here! That was sure easy...I should have tried it a couple years ago :)

Mikele said...

You could try to give the pink and purple ones to a girl...

Did he use those when he was in his new swimming suit?

Anonymous said...

9-11: the day the world changed.

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

You are in luck. Mrs. Spice here....with a crafty tip on what to do with left-over "cuck-cuck's."
Make a wreath. Simply glue them on a styrofoam wreath and then use lots of ribbon and dried flowers to fill in. Hang the wreath over the fireplace and enjoy for years to come. Join me next month when I discuss, "The many uses of empty baby food jars!"

Astraea said...

I hear there's a big market for personalized "Cuck-Cucks" on Ebay.

Jenny said...

I'll take the green ones

Anonymous said...

WAY TO GO JUNIE!! maybe some day you can teach Colby how the cuck-cucks (or as we call them-- binkies) go bye bye!! I'm so proud of you, such a big boy! I think that deserves some CHIPPERS!!