Sunday, October 25, 2009

We're Back!!!

We were soo sick and I am so thankful to say that we are done throwing up for the rest of our lives. We're done with temperatures. We're done with everything else related to sickness.

Junie is back to his old crazy self.
Macker found a comfortable way to relax at Target.
Oh, yeah!
Kings and queen of the mountain.
Loving the slide.
Pure joy!
"Help, Dad!! We can't find the path."
And their off!
Family shot. 10 second self timer. Macker!!! Darn it.!
Beautiful fall leaves.
Some lady asked to take a picture of our family. Sure.


Mikele said...

Those leaves are something! Miss being at Target with you.

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

Happy to have you back! What a gorgeous site to see the trees and green grass....and cute kids on bikes. I am sending you a Costco size bottle of Purell...just to be safe.

feather said...

Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful.. All of it, Fall leaves, healthiness, Target, and of course those cuties on their bikes!