Friday, April 16, 2010


"Hey Macker, how's that sinus infection?"
"I know what will make you feel better? Let's go do some gardening...!"

"What are you pointing at?"

"Beautiful! Happy Mother's Day to me."
"What are you pointing at now?""Oh, you think those will look good under the window? Me too."

Welcome home Dad, time to garden. "Hey boys, what do you think of the dirt?"
Let's begin!

"How's that flower feel in your hands?"
"Pat, pat, pat the dirt."
Huge mess was made but the kids had fun and in a couple weeks we're going to be overflowing with flowers.


Robyn said...

Lovely! Can't wait to see it all in a couple weeks!

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

Gorgeous! So springy! I also think that your kids will be much more normal and well rounded than mine...because you let them play in the dirt. You are a good Mom because your kids don't think that "dirt is for ringworm and bugs."

Mikele said...

Macker looks fourteen. Your flowers are beautiful.

Dana said...

The first pic of Mac is so sad. Our house just went through sinus infections, no fun. Sydney would like to move in with you. You are a fun mom who doesn't control how the flower planting is done.

Blog Stalker said...

Everything looks great. You are turning back into a true Midwest gardener.

Jasmyn said...

Gorgeous! So wish I didn't have a brown thumb....and that it wasn't 175 degrees here so things would grow!

Kers said...

Hey - who is Dana and why does she think you're not picky about gardending :) Just teasing - the tulips are gorgeous :). How about coming to our house next weekend and helping Your "dirt challenged" sister :)