Friday, September 25, 2009

Surfin' and Pirates

Adam made all the kids eggs for breakfast.
They eat it.

Sean rented a surf board but it just 'didn't work quite right in the ocean', it seemed fine in the pool.

Big Scott's turn.

The gentlemen in the HT.

Mr. Cool.
Guess who?
If you guessed Sean, you're right.
Junie and Odog.
Luke David!!!
Do you think he was excited about surfing?
I'd like you to meet Caption BlackJack. Adam came up with the idea of a pirate night. He brought his costume and cool stuff for the kids too. You can't imagine the excitement in the house.
Jen did his makeup and transformed him into this scary pirate...

You just have to watch the video to get the idea. Adam ran over to the beach and then Scott went out to the deck and yelled for all the kids to come look because he thought he saw a real pirate.

When Adam arrived some of the kids didn't know it was him.

He gave them each a pirate name and asked them to join him in looking for a buried treasure.
He also gave them each a sword, an eye patch and a sweet bandanna.
The were ready to go on a treasure hunt!
They found a clue in a bottle.
Then they had to "fight" off the bad pirates (all the dads) at the beach to get to the treasure which was all the ingredients for smoreos. Does Lance look like he's on Survivor?!
The kids danced a victory dance.
Our family.
The Walshes.
The gang.
The Wallaces.
How do you like Macker's handles?
Singing buddies.
Sissy praising the Lord.
Caption BlackJack handing out Oreos.
The Williams -Owen.
Roasting more marshmallows.
Macker enjoying his 5th oreo.
After one of the best nights of their lives it was time for a serious bath. Thanks everyone who made the night so special.


Mikele said...

So so so so special. Argh.

Scott Murray said...

This was one of the most special nights of my entire life.....apart from the obvious ones....marriage, Kids being born. I can't believe that I was a part of such a great group of friends (family:) So great...I love you all maities!(spelling?)

Kers said...

Love the pink bandanas this most! You guys should write a book :)