Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday Update

Scotty is doing great. He had a small pooping accident in class yesterday! (poor guy!!) Thankfully he was not tooo embarrassed.
We talked to the doctor yesterday late afternoon and he confirmed with what the radiologist told us the day before. He DOES had some "looping and strictures in one area of his small bowel". The doctor was very honest and said that he wants surgery to be a LAST option because as he said, "At 5 years old, we would be heading down a very slippery slope." Surgeries cause adhesions which cause strictures which cause bowel blockages.... etc...
So, we are meeting with them next Wednesday morning to make a plan. Right now we are changing/ adding things to his diet to keep his poop soft. Pears, pear juice, white grape juice.... we are praying that his body will be able to handle this. So far, so good, because although we feel bad he pooped at school (totally writing that in his baby book) it's great that he is pooping. He pooped again this morning and we all cheered!
Thanks for praying for your Scotty.
One other thing I forgot to mention. This doctor is known for his Laparoscopic techniques with bowel adhesions and strictures. We are so thankful to hear that!


Robyn said...

He's in our prayers. Love him!

Jenny said...

I'm sorry to hear he has adhesions and strictures, but I am so thankful that he does not need surgery right now and that he has a doctor who wants to avoid it if all possible.

We'll prayer for you, big guy! Oh, and I just remembered today is your actual birthday. Happy Birthday!