Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Last Saturday my mom and dad spent the day with us watching soccer games.
The boys love my mom! 

Juner had a great game.
 Sissy played awesome too! Her soccer name is BULLDOG!

My mom and dad took Mac back to their house for 3 days so I tackled the basement and all the kids closets. It was time to switch from summer to winter clothes. I can't tell you how happy I am to be FINISHED! The closets look just about perfect. I donated 9 bags of clothes and sent 3 giant bins home with my parents to deliver to my sisters. I'm sure the closets will stay clean at least a week;)
AWANA started last Wednesday and I am a Sparks leader again this year. I love spending my Wednesday nights with my little group of 1st grade boys. Junie and I call it our date night.
Our dear friend Uncle Chris, (the one who moved to TX) was in town shooting a wedding and he offered to take pictures of Sammer.
They are amazing.

Seriously, super model.
I feel like he really captured his sweetness.

While Macker was away, these guys really missed him.
Church is going great. I started co-leading a 7th grade Core group and the girls are really nice.

So, that's it for now.  This makes me happy.
So does this.


Mikele said...

Such great shots of Sam!
Wish I was there to help organize, but you need to post "after" pictures!!!

Katie and Bret said...

Will you come to my house and clean out my closets? And those pics of Sammer are more precious than words can say. Love!

Carrie said...

I get to wear a sweet Awana button down shirt on Sundays! Love it!!

I need your mad cleaning/organizing skills over here!!! Come, please!