Saturday, September 01, 2012

Doughnut Vault

I saw a news program a couple months ago, and since then I've known that the  DOUGHNUT VAULT was somewhere we needed to check out. The Williams family are always up for fun so we loaded in our cars, way before 7:00am, and headed to the city.  It was a perfect morning with no traffic.
When we arrived at the Doughnut Vault there was already one person in line. (2 HOURS BEFORE OPENING!!!)
The whole gang.

There it is!!!
Sweet fire escape.
When it started to rain, the dad's hooked the kids up with a little Phineas and Ferb in the car on their phone.

The line started to get crazy and wrap around the building.
Happy faces waiting for DOUGHNUTS!
FINALLY, we're in. It was literally the size of a large closet. (Happy faces!)
Hooooooooooray!!!!! We got them!!
Seriously, they were soooo good. So worth the wait!
While we were all on a pretty serious sugar-high, we headed to the splash pad...

...a walk in the city,
and some fun at The Bean.

It was the perfect morning. It started raining on the way home.


Leanne said...

I think the people to the right want to be part of your family like I do :-) They wanted to be in the family pic.

Robyn said...

Doughnut Vault = my new favorite thing. I like your vintage filter for the pics.