Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Winter Wonderland

We drove to the craziest house in all of the Phoenix Metropolitan area.
The man who owns the house has been on the The Early Show and in the NY Times.
It was pure craziest!!!
Can you imagine being their neighbor.
Bubble machines and snow machines....
and one strange mannequin that was constantly spinning...
Loud music that matched perfectly with the flashing lights.

A talking Santa... kind of freaked out Junie...
Two big boys.
All of us...

Mini and June
The boys were loving the snow...
I think they would have stood there all night.
Directions to the house:
101N to McDonald
Go West to Granite Reef turn Right
Take your first right and the house is
the 3rd one on the Left.


Anonymous said...

directions to house:
turn off your head lights
look for glowing neighborhood
drive to lights.

Rachel said...

That first picture looks like daytime! I like John's directions, they seem more appropriate. I bet you can see this house from space!! What a lot of work.

Blog Stalker said...

Nothing says Merry Christmas like a revolving statue bearing the phrase "Believe in Magic." They must understand what Christmas is all about...

Kers said...

Love the classic Murray acrobatics. What did the big boys ask Santa to get them for Christmas?
The kids must have been freezing in just sweaters but I guess it was probably warmer than our 29 degree high here :)

Candi said...

i love the pic of lance and scott! They are hilarious:) looks like you guys had a blast

Kiki said...

Good thing you told us it's the third house on the left, I think people might have missed it if you didn't!