Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Scotty (accidentally) banged Sissy's face with a toy.
Scott, Amelia wanted you to see it. She also has a stye in her eye. Poor girl.
We have a new pet. Super fun game, walking Macker.
On to a free outdoor concert for kids.

Sissy and June had the front row.

It was a beautiful night.
We were just missing Big Scott!!
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Scott Murray said...

AMELIA! NOOOOOOOOOOOO are you ok? I miss you (even with that face) it actually makes you look even cuter! What is that song..I could do that! See if you can hook me up with a gig some night there.

Love you all so much!

Carrie said...

Wowsers. I watched Joshua whack E on the head the other day and in midstream looked at me, "I didn't mean to do it!" I hate it when your arms just start thinking on their own.

Mikele said...

Amelia, you got me thinking that I need to just get whacked in the upper lip! No collagen needed.