Friday, June 22, 2007

Our AZ visitors have arrived.

We are thrilled to have the Wallace ladies in town for a couple of days. They arrived and wewent over to Lee and Karolines for a fun night. Mikele and Amelia having a cheese stick.The kids taking a rest and enjoying a juice boxes. Kater and Amelia (with her mouth full)
Mikele and I were a great badmitton team... sort of.

Here's Karoline enjoying some of the fancy dessert Kers made for Uncle Thad's birthday.


Anonymous said...

Love the action shot of Mikele...

Anonymous said...

I love fried cheese. It's a midwestern delight. Dipped in marinara is the best.

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

Friends and fried cheese go hand in hand don't they? I love them!